Jenny Eden Berk

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49 Things I learned in my 40's

My 50th birthday is coming up this Friday (March 24th) and I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting over the last decade and what being in my 40's has meant to me - how I’ve grown, what I’ve learned about myself and the world and my place in it.

For anyone else hitting this milestone soon or is already in the second half of life, what else would you share or add to this? I’d love to know.

Also, for those officially in the second half of life…how’s the water? What should I expect in my 50’s?

49 things I learned in my 40’s.

  1. The pandemic and aftermath made me more resilient

  2. Losing my Dad helped me focus more on the most important things in life; my relationships

  3. I can start a business by myself

  4. And that business can thrive!

  5. I learned about graphic design, technology, marketing and bookkeeping just from running my business.

  6. Getting to know your kids at different ages and developmental stages is essential

  7. Democracy in the US is not a sure thing and we need to always protect it

  8. All about Culinary Nutrition

  9. I learned how to write and self-publish a book

  10. Quality of friends way more important than quantity

  11. That I can live without dairy and eggs with no problem.

  12. I long for travel

  13. and sensory experiences

  14. All about Eating Psychology

  15. and Mindful & intuitive Eating

  16. How to stop dieting and learn to accept my body

  17. How to communicate better with my loved ones

  18. To be on my anti-racist path

  19. That rights like roe v. wade can never be taken for granted

  20. How to cook kick-ass vegan food

  21. That my once great eye sight and teeth have finally declined

  22. To use my senses to derive the most pleasure from life

  23. That I tend to turn inwards during a crisis and isolate

  24. how to be grateful for the mundane and little pleasures in life

  25. That I’m obsessed with pumpkin seeds

  26. That I likely have ADD and answers many questions from my youth

  27. That my sensitivity and empathic nature is a superpower, not a flaw

  28. That I have a spiritual and woo-woo side to me - I’m woo-curious

  29. Sex gets better in your 40’s. 

  30. Bladder control does not

  31. I learned how to move my body in a way that feels good to me and aligned with my lifestyle and body mechanics.  No more forcing myself on an elliptical.

  32. That there is still so much hate in the world and I was naive to think it wasn’t right there the whole time

  33. That chronic stress manifests on the body in nefarious ways

  34. How to slow down and not just due to aging

  35. That I prefer audiobooks to regular books

  36. That I’m more creative than I ever ever gave myself credit for

  37. I need animals in my life, always

  38. How to home-school during a pandemic

  39. That I’m turning into my parents…and that’s ok!

  40. How to do a headstand in yoga

  41. How to create and run a virtual summit

  42. How to be less black & white and more nuanced

  43. That there is still so much I can and want to contribute to the world

  44. That my curiosities are endless and I don’t see it slowing down in my 50’s or ever

  45. How to communicate better even while feeling intense emotions

  46. That I’m an ambivert, not the extrovert I always thought I was

  47. Friendships change, morph, grow and sometimes grow apart - something I wasn’t able to admit or accept in my 30’s.

  48. That they weren’t kidding about raising teenagers

  49. That no matter what age or stage I am at or will be, there is so much to explore and do and discover and learn and I’m grateful to have made it a half century and look forward to whatever is next!

What would you add to this list in your own experience? Comment below!