9 Reasons Why “Replenish” should be on your 2021 bucket list

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As you’ve probably noticed through my recent posts, I’ve officially opened the doors to my new immersive signature program called Replenish! 

Why should Replenish be a program and investment you make in yourself for 2021? 

Here are my top 9 reasons. 

If these resonate, get in touch.  >>> bit.ly/replenishcall

  1. Because looking at your gut health may be the missing piece of the puzzle for you. Most of our overall health and immunity emanates from our gut and both the quality and diversity of the bacteria in your gut.  I use a tool called Ixcela that helps determine both through a simple at-home pink prick test.  And then I make specific and personalized recommendations for you based on those results.

2. To get delicious customized meal plans and recipes based on your own microbiome, lifestyle / eating rhythms  and your favorite foods. As a student of Replenish you’ll also get 2 completely done for you meal plans including shopping lists, prep schedules and more.

3. To learn life-long tools to quickly release stress and become more resilient in general. To learn to eat with confidence and trust.

4. To become a planner and advocate for yourself in terms of how and what you eat, and building an “eating ecosystem” that works for you no matter what food environment you find yourself in.

5. To gain the support and wisdom of a coach (me!) with 20 years of experience in therapy, coaching, behavioral modification, and nutrition and someone who has walked the same path as you...and is still walking on it.

6. To become a better meal planner and/or home cook

7. To learn mindful and intuitive eating and then apply those principles to other areas of your life.

8. To learn my self-coaching compassionate method so that you can learn tools to coach yourself when you’re in a vulnerable place.  (this should be an essential part of any coaching program but often isn’t. Not learning self-efficacy and self-coaching skills keep clients tethered to their coach.  Learning self-coaching tools helps you thrive and excel way beyond the time with the coach and helps you build confidence.

9. Because trauma and chronic stress (hello 2020 and the last 4 years) can manifest on our bodies and can increase inflammation and general malaise.  

In order to release it to create space for healing and growth, you first have to acknowledge it being there in the first place.

Are your shoulders hunched all day and it’s just become normal?

Are you clenching your teeth during the day and grinding at night?

Having more stomach issues, fatigue or headaches? 

These are all symptoms of the chronic stress that we have normalized and tolerated unnecessarily. And first you have to notice them, agree that you no longer need to be so uncomfortable all the time, and start to move through them. (not circumvent around them)  A core foundation of Replenish is releasing chronic stress in a safe and affirming way.

Book a free call with me and let’s see if Replenish is a good fit for you.

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Jenny BerkComment