Healthy Habits during Seasonal Transitions

The end of August/early September is a time of transition in our family. We busily get ready for school, figure out new schedules and try to soak up as much time outside as we can before the cooler weather rolls in.

Times of transition can feel wonky and weird when it comes to eating and self-care, right?

Different foods show up at the market. (why are they promoting Halloween candy already??) The carefree vibe of summer transforms into a more busy and structured one. Schedules & priorities change.

You may still crave summer foods but out of no where also be hankering for some butternut squash soup or a pumpkin spice latte!

You may find seasonal transitions disrupts your eating patterns & appetite, circadian rhythm and even your mood.

Here are some examples of what that might look like:

  • You start going to bed earlier as the days get shorter

  • Your exercise routine changes as the kids go back to school

  • You start craving more grounding foods like soups and stews

  • You realize that you need to use up or freeze your tomatoes, watermelon and corn

  • You may have more energy or less of it

  • Your mood may improve or seasonal affective disorder may kick in

  • You may find that you need to adjust your medication and or supplements like vitamin D

  • You start thinking about booking medical and dental appointments that you’ve avoided

Some of these may be intentional and some may arrive naturally or without you fully being conscious of it.

To support yourself during times of transition seasonally or otherwise, it’s important to be aware of what is changing around you and inside you and then take small but measurable action steps to support those changes and keep balance and equilibrium in your life.

Recommended Areas of Inquiry:

What needs to change on your grocery store list?

How will your exercise/movement needs change? (i.e. moving from outdoor to indoor activities)

How will schedules or routines change that might affect your self-care?

What items in your pantry need to be thrown out, updated or changed?

What new priorities do you have for your health?

Download your free Healthy Habits Seasonal Checklist that I created for you to support these upcoming changes and transitions in life.